The New Paperclip
As anyone who knows me can attest, I have a thing about paperclips. I like to wear them as earrings. The colored plastic-coated kind have been my favorites. They are the reason for the name of my site and blog.

Oh ya, and I figured out how they connect two pieces of paper together.
Labels: About me, Misc, Paperclips
Birthday gifts must be an easy thing for your kids ;-)
Earrings for me are a lost cause. The first time someone tries to push a needle through my ears will be the last time they try to push a needle through my ears.
On another note.....I am thinking that John is through. That is sad, but he was always looking for fights and that can be very tiresome. On my blog I never look for arguments because I know that I could not stand the stress of having people come on line and beat me up all the time. The part I miss is being able to talk to him on an intellectual level about his beliefs and mine.
By the same token, I am finished with my political blog. It is just not fun. I like writing about silly or fummy stuff, so I cannot really criticize John all that much. If, by some chance, you see him sriting in another venue, let me know would you?
Hey, Phelonius,
It was really good of you to stop by. That is funny..."it will be the last time they try to push a needle through my ears.
On that other note: I am beginning to think the same as you about John ...sigh.
I don't know that I would recognize if he wrote somewhere else. He might as well have been anonymous (which I have pointed out to him a time or two). His name is John. But beyond that, we know very little about him. He prefered to remain virtually, anonymous.
Yet, it is funny to think that his words have endeared him to us.
I am not one for looking for fights, but I sure had fun entering the ring a bit on his blog. There was only one issue where I didn't agree with him. It was fun to argue side by side with someone who really knew his stuff.
This is beginning to sound like an obituary. I better stop before I get too sappy.
Likewise, James, if you here from / see or otherwise find John, please let me know, as well.
Hey, those are neat!! I ought to get myself a few of those... and even try hanging a few from my ears. Can't let you be the only one accessoring with office products!!
I have been accesoring with office products since my college days 20 years ago.
btw...I reall like your blog.
Just tell me that you do not accessorize too frequently with the stapler....please.
those are beauties, kell! have you seen the paperclip movie? awesome stuff.
Nanc, is that the one about the town in Tennesse that collected the paper clips to honor victims of the Holocaust?
I had heard the story but have not seen the movie... I must find a way to put a link to it on my website...not just my blog.
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