'Tis the Season...
I am currently up to my ears in canning applesauce and grapejuice.
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Paperclippings Blog: September 2007
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![]() I pray because I believe, and I believe because I pray. Bio![]() Kelly Location: Utah, United States
Kelly is the mother of 5 adorable kids--4 boys and a girl. The girl came in a package with a boy (twins).
Kelly is married to a charming young man who lives and breathes computers. They are also guardians for three nieces and a nephew.
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Links to my xml and rss feeds "And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer,
who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea,
his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to
drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation,
a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall." Courtesy of Scott Kurtz |
Sunday, September 30, 2007'Tis the Season...
I am currently up to my ears in canning applesauce and grapejuice. I hope to resurface in the not too distant future. Labels: About me Sunday, September 23, 2007Maya and the Kitten
Then, a few days later, in a blog post "Darwin Scores a Near Miss" by a friend of mine I added a comment about a dog owned by another friend.
Every week three weeks we meet at their house (we actually rotate which house to be at for Saturday night game night.) So, every three weeks this dog gets to see her people. I say HER people because she most definitely CLAIMS us. She will actually get ahold of your hand and put it on her belly to be rubbed. She doesn't pay much attention to my hubby because he is allergic to dogs and never pays much attention to the dog. BUT, IF you pay any attention to her she will be your best friend...at least it seems that way. At least one thing can be said for this dog. She has won MY heart. Well, the dog (Maya) and the kitten (Miles) met face to face Saturday night. Maya is a rather big dog. Miles is only 4 weeks old. The friends who are taking care of the kitten brought it with them to our regular Saturday night "game" night. As the kitten was being passed from one adult to another (we still can't get enough of this kitten) Maya noticed this little creature. She knew she had seen the kitten but failed to see who ended up with it. Maya began doing circles about the room trying to locate it. After a few minutes of this she finally located the kitten. Her jaw began to chomp uncontrollably at the thought of having that kitten in her mouth. After some calm discussion with the dog she was convinced, to a degree, to just sniff the kitten rather than eat it. She trembled as she sat there with her nose to the kitten (with an adult guarding it.) All was fine until my friend, who owns the dog, held the kitten. Oh, Maya just couldn't deal with this. She acted as if she had been betrayed. She whined and did more circles about the room. She finally had to be put in another room to keep the kitten safe. Poor, poor Maya. Labels: Friendship, Misc Friday, September 21, 2007Tech SupportSome people marry for money. I married for tech support. At least, that is what I tell my hubby, when he comes to my rescue and fixes things on my computer. The truth of the matter is, I had no idea what tech support was when I married him. But I did know that he knew a thing or two about computers. He is, afterall, a computer programmer. He has worked for Word Perfect AND Microsoft. He has worked in both computer game companies and "regular" companies. He has helped write games for the Playstation and the Xbox. Through the years I have learned a few things about the computer. I can get around one fairly well. I know enough not to be afraid to adjust a few settings and do a little troubleshooting myself. I have written and designed a few websites, made fancy graphics in Photoshop, and a myriad of other things. I once bought and installed a writable CDROM drive on this computer...ALL BY MYSELF! And it still works. But when it came to running games on this computer I was at a loss. The thing was JUST TOO SLOW! We talked about a solution but didn't know if it would work. We put it off and I was left to play my games on other computers...including the KIDS computer. Can you believe that??? The kids computer was FASTER than mine. Well, that is no more. Yesterday, my dearest, sweetest, most awesomest hubby updated my computer. He installed a new graphics card AND doubled its RAM. So, now I am playing City of Heroes on my computer rather than the kids and I can finally get Civilization IV to run on it. Oh, and if you all think that I still just married him for his tech support, he also writes poetry...and HOW!!! ![]()
Saturday, September 15, 2007I'm a UTAH man...(woman) OH YA!Saturday at Rice-Eccles Stadium in Salt Lake City the underdog University of Utah Running Utes out play the Bruins of UCLA for a final score 44 to 6. ![]() Utah upsets No. 11 UCLA 44-6
A UTAH ... Labels: About me, Local News Sunday, September 09, 2007The Rescue
![]() Last night they brought this cute little kitten with them to a social gathering at our house. It had to be fed every two hours and couldn't be left at home. For me, this was a little taste of heaven. I LOVE cats and more particularly kittens. My attraction to kittens goes way back. My mom recorded, in a 'baby book' that my first word was not 'mommy' or 'dadda' but kitty'. My first sentence was "Where's the kitty?" The guy I married is allergic to the creatures and so I have not been able to own one of my own since. So, when these friends asked if they could bring the kitten over, I was elated. Unfortunately, I had to share this kitten with nearly every other adult in that room. Ah well, nothing's perfect. Labels: About me, Friendship, Happiness Wednesday, September 05, 2007Spam Spam Spam
I found out today that I am a spammer. I kid you not. Here's what happened. I have been a member of a yahoo group for a little over two years now. The group was set up to allow a group of friends who like to play online games together to keep up on when they were going to be on and share and share alike. It has since turned into the email that keeps this group of friends in contact with one another. ![]() Well, two weeks ago, I sent an email like I have for months and months. But this time it never got through. After a couple more emails I realized that there was a problem. I could get messsages from the group but I could not send to the group unless I went directly through the web interface. !!!! After two weeks of doing things the hard way I decided to do some trouble shooting. I even deleted my membership and asked to be reinstated to see if that would fix the problem. NADA!! So, finally, I pinged the owner. After about 5-10 minutes he found the problem. I was being caught by its spam filters. SPAM!!! Me??? A spammer??? Okay, so maybe I like to talk/write/chat...A LOT, but spam??? I hadn't even emailed that group as often as some of the others. But alas... My friend, the owner, approved my emails. I sent a new one and still I couldn't get through. Back to the trouble shooting blackboard! AGAIN! Final NOTE: the spam filter has been deleted and I am back among the friends and muchas gracias to my friend who took time out of his work day to help fix the problem. |