In Memory of Velcro the Cat (1987-2007)

In his younger days he would make himself "available" to the grandkids in exchange for the good cat food.
One of his favorite places to perch was on my sister's head--or anyone's head--but hers was his favorite. He loved to run his paws through human hair.
Velcro sat on my son's head one day watching him eat a bowl of cereal.
He had learned to say "Hello." It was sort of a "yewo."
In his later years he thought he was on an equal with my youngest brother of about the same age. In fact my brother is just slightly younger than this cat. Velcro and my brother had a rather interesting sibling rivalry. My brother would complain that the cat would not stay out of his room. "Mom," he would say, "would you tell Velcro to stay out of my room while I am at school." In turn, Velcro would sneak into the room any chance he got, just because he could.
Labels: About me, Friendship, Misc
My brother, Jesse, sent me a link about the kind of cat that Velcro was.
ohhh that's so sad! I'm so sorry! I even remember that cat!!
ohhhhhhhhh, kelllllllllll...that is sad, but i'm not a cat person - give me fish, chickens or hamsters anyday - frankly, cats (of the feline kind) are too familiar and we all know that breeds contempt...
speaking of cats, a blogfriend of mine does a catblog friday every single week and i think she does it just to irritate me..........>^..^< pfffft...
p.s. my condolences.
Sorry to hear about your beloved pet Kelly.It is certainly much harder when they have been part of the family for so long..
Thought it was strange that you had not been around to cube's for your weekly "pkak" Nanc!
Hey all, thanks so much for the condolences.
I was at my mom's house holding that cat when she told me that she was taking it to the animal shelter that day. I pulled out my camera and snapped a picture of Velcro. That was the last picture taken of Velcro.
What a loving tribute to your cat. You were lucky to have Velcro for so long & he was lucky to have humans like your family.
BTW came here via nanc.
ODL! i sure hope i don't have to start coming here for a BI-WEEKLY pkak attack!
Sad story, but wonderful that your family had such a loving pet.
I've got a cat named Hobbes who is 15 in August and he's just the best pet.
Ohhhhh Kelly, that is the saddest thing to hear. I know it must have been a difficult decision for your parents; but like you said, it was the humane thing to do.
How sweet that he would sit on people's heads!!! Or more like, 'annoying'??? LOL
And, how funny that he said, "Mom, tell Velcro to stay out of my room." Like the cat would listen to mom!!! hehehe
I'm sure he is in pet heaven now, and playing with all the other cats who went before him. He will stay alive and in your heart every time you remember and tell a story about him.
Snif...kleenex please.......
Pets are such a personal thing that they can become full-fledged family members.
I am sorry for your loss.
Velcro was a big part of my life as well. In fact, my kids and the other grandkids' first exposure to the word "velcro" was Grandma's cat.
When they were introduced to shoes with velcro closures, they referred to them as "kitty" shoes.
Before I was married, I would sit on a chair in my bedroom, and Velcro would jump from my bed to my back, sinking his claws into my back. Although it was very painful, I couldn't get mad at him because after attaching himself to my back, he would sit on my shoulders and "knead" my hair as if he were nursing from his mother, purring the whole time. I could tell that he loved me.
I loved Velcro also, and I miss him. He was a much-loved member of the family.
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