How to make your pants grow longer...
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![]() I pray because I believe, and I believe because I pray. Bio![]() Kelly Location: Utah, United States
Kelly is the mother of 5 adorable kids--4 boys and a girl. The girl came in a package with a boy (twins).
Kelly is married to a charming young man who lives and breathes computers. They are also guardians for three nieces and a nephew.
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Tuesday, March 11, 2008How to make your pants grow longer...
My daughter and my niece (who lives with us) were complaining that their pants were gettig a bit too short. The two of them are 11 years old. The niece had grown a good 3 inches (my guess) since Christmas. She is officially taller than me and VERY thin. Needless to say, her pants had become too short on her, but still fit around the waist. I took her to buy a couple pairs of new pants and, while we were successful in getting two pair, it was not an easy task. You try finding size 5 juniors in a tall length. Most kids who are as tall as her aren't as thin as she is. Most kids who are as tall as her aren't still 11 years old. After I bought the new pants for her, my daughter decided to take matters into her own hands. She has discovered my sewing machine and my fabric closet. All on her own, without talking to me about it before hand, she added extensions to two pair of her own pants and one pair of her cousin's pants. The next day they proudly wore these altered pants to school. Labels: About me |
when i was in junior high all the cool kids had really cool fabric extending the length of their pants. your daughter has great taste and such initiative!
heidianne jackson
i wish my daughter had a domestic bone in her body!
but, she has the opposite problem - tiny AND short.
Now my niece wants me to show her how to use the sewing machine so she can do stuff, too.
Now if I could just get them to clean their room...
that's awsome! At least she wore them to school. There even cute!! I see a good bribe in there some where!
Cool! Your daughter is very inventive!
i remember turning my old blue jeans into skirts - do you remember ever doing that, kell?
p.s. - we're expecting company from californistan tomorrow evening for nine days - zgirl has stated she'll give up her room for the occasion (part of the time we'll be at the cabin), but the room looks like an atom bomb was dropped on it!
yup - looks like, in addition to all my other duties tomorrow, i'll be mucking the room out so as to have it presentable to our best buddies.
she went to youth group tonight and is spending the night away...wonder how much of this was planned on her part?
Amy, what bribe do you see in there?
Brooke, ya, inventive...I hadn't even thought of doing that. Got some ideas now.
Nanc, back when I was in high school I didn't sew. But since that time I have made a few things from old jeans. I made a great picnic quilt completely out of old jeans. It even includes the pockets, side seams and belt loops.
oh and Nanc, why is it that when we have to have the house clean that the kids 'find' places they need to be?
guess they're smarter than we think...but, AHA! tomorrow is allowance day and i can see a high deduction in zgirl's! i'll call it hazard pay for having to spend THREE hours in there today!
'Hazard pay'...must remember that term...oh that is good!
...gotta pay for that hazmat suit somehow.
OK... don't laugh at me... and this reeeallly dates me. I still have my bell bottom jeans where we used to take similar cloth and split the bell at the seam up to just below the knee. Then we would sew in the cloth to make the bells outrageously large. I would wear them but the waist is 29" and I couldn't even get them past my ankles now.
that's it for you, iopian!
when my husband and i got together, he was a 28 and so was i - he's now a 32 and well, i'm a...let's just say i look better in his jeans than he does!
*8] least we're growing at the same rate...
tell her you can teach her tricks on the sewing machine if she'll clean her room! HA HA HA!
those are the most hideous pathetic autistic creations iv ever seen.
The girl was only 11 when she made them.
Richard, have some heart!
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