Getting into the spirit of the season
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![]() I pray because I believe, and I believe because I pray. Bio![]() Kelly Location: Utah, United States
Kelly is the mother of 5 adorable kids--4 boys and a girl. The girl came in a package with a boy (twins).
Kelly is married to a charming young man who lives and breathes computers. They are also guardians for three nieces and a nephew.
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Links to my xml and rss feeds "And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer,
who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea,
his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to
drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation,
a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall." Courtesy of Scott Kurtz |
Tuesday, December 04, 2007Getting into the spirit of the season
I had avoided going out to the stores on Black Friday and the next day. My hubby and I spent those days with some dear friends, instead. The following Saturday, December 1st, I entered the foray of Christmas shopping. I really wasn't looking forward to it and still don't relish the idea of going out to complete the job. However, on that Saturday, I woke to find 4 inches of snow on the ground. I don't really like driving in it, but I LOVE snow. I went through the Christmas jar we have for the kiddos to enter suggestions for what they might like for Christmas. Among the little papers that made requests for things like a football or a basketball hoop or a new bike I found this piece of paper that made my heart melt. For those who may not be familiar with my family, my hubby and I are the legal guardians of 4 youngsters who have not lived with their parents for 3 1/2 years. This is their 4th Christmas with us. On this little piece of paper from the Christmas jar I read, "I want to live with my mom and dad." Of all the gifts this young lad could ask for he had included that request. Although I could not grant that request of this young boy I kept that thought in my head as I headed out into the snow and traffic. Shopping was a pleasure. I enjoyed looking for just the right gift for each person. Upon returning home, however, I found the kitchen to be a mess and a headache was coming on. I knew I didn't have time to rest due to friends coming over that evening. So, I slipped my new Josh Groban Noel CD into the player. Somehow, listening to some good Christmas music made my task of cleaning so much easier. Later on that day my family and I attended a church Christmas party. It was set up as a journey to Bethlehem. We were given tokens we could use to "buy" our food and such. We sat on blankets in the hall as we watched a simple production of THE Christmas story. As we gathered with friends that evening in our home I felt grateful for all the good things that had brought the spirit of the season to my heart. |
I was touched by your post. Christmas was so much more joyful when my girls were little. We still have many happy times, but those Christmases past will always be the best ones.
Best wishes to those little ones. It is a shame that some parents cannot be responsible for their children, but they are truly blessed to have you taking care of them and watching out for them.
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