City of Heroes: Character- Cho Leigh at 50

A few weeks ago my husband convinced me that I ought to play City of Heroes. I have resisted the idea of playing any MMORPGs. For those who don't know, an MMORPG is an online game where you get to wander around with a bunch of other people, interacting, and beating the snot out of creatures and bad guys...or rather getting the snot beat out of your character.
Along comes this invitation/arm twisting/gentle prodding to play the game. Before the week was over I was hooked. I have to play the game on my kids computer, however, because mine....ahem...does not have the wherewithall to run the game.
Well, since that time, my computer has been upgraded and I can run the game on my own system. This has allowed me a bit more flexibility in when I can play. Because of this I have now advanced one of my characters (heroes) to the final level (50).
This is no small task, mind you. In July 2007 I started a new character that I named Cho Leigh. Cho is a martial arts kick and punch type of hero. It is Cho who took me along from one adventure to another and from one team to another as she advanced in abilities and levels to reach this final capstone.
Though I resisted the idea of playing this game, initially, I must say that this is ONE FUN GAME!! And now my friends are ribbing me about how much I play. Ah, but tis such great entertainment.
Now, to pull myself away from my game to clean the house....sigh...
It's amazing that you have time to role play AND blog. ;)
you trekkies!
Nanc, "trekkies??" Okay, so we also like to watch Star Trek.
But this is so much more fun that watching Star Trek.
Brooke, I usually play late at night after the kids are in bed...or when they are ALL at school...which is only for a short time each day as I have one in kindergarten.
Kelly, your such a hard core gamer!!! ;)
Starla, LOL!
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