Mitt Rommey defends his religion

(KSL News) Last night [June 5th] the Republican presidential candidates squared off for their second debate.
And, as has happened in the past, Mitt Romney had to defend his membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
"I also believe there are some pundits out there that are hoping I'll distance myself from my church, so that it will help me politically. That's not going to happen," he said.
Romney got a solid round of applause after making that statement.
There are far greater things than being President of the United States.
Mitt's great.
Hey, John!!
Yeah, Mitt's great. He has some things that I really like. I also like Fred. Hmmm....
I do not know many things about all the candidates, I personally like Clinton, but when searching some information regarding Mitt Romney I stepped onto this blog. If he did what you are saying, that he is indeed a man of character and he too deserves to stay in the fight as long as possible and perhaps even win.
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