Living off the land

After grinding it into flour with our wheat grinder he made a loaf of bread.
This makes "living off the land" take on a whole new meaning.
Now, speaking of living off the land. We also planted a real vegetable garden. This has been thriving for the first time since we moved out to this house. We have been able to keep the deer away (for the most part) as we planted marigolds which the deer to NOT like.
We also discovered that if you plant green beens between rows of corn they grow a lot better.
In the bottom picture you will see our squash patch. We are growing zucchini (there is a joke about them that I will tell in a bit), bumpkins and spaghetti squash.
We are also growing carrots, leaf lettuce, chard, and tomatoes.
Now for the joke about zucchini:
Why do Mormons leave their cars locked during church in the summer time??
Its so their neighbors don't fill them up with zucchini while they are in church.
If you have ever grown zucchini you would understand why this is so funny.
Now I just hope my tomato plants will grow a bit faster.
Labels: About me
I don't get the zucchini thing, but it's awesome that your kids got the experience with the wheat!
Zucchini is pretty good IF you can pick them soon enough. They can get pretty big.
The joke about the Mormons is because Mormons, especially in Utah, tend to grow this vegetable in their gardens because they are easy to grow.
Mmm. Whole wheat PBH sandwich. Felt like eating three sandwiches, since it didn't rise quite enough.
Home-grown zucchini comes in two quantities. Zero and more than you know what to do with. And we have something like four hills, with 2-3 plants each.
That means we will have more than we can possibly use, even if the deer eat half of them.
The tomatoes are why they roll up their windows before they lock their car doors....
John, I think that one of our plants (zucchini) should be considered the sacrificial animal offering to keep the deer et al away from the other plants.
Now we just need to get some fruit trees and put up wards around them to keep out the deer.
SHOOT the deer.
EAT the deer.
They are like the wheat and are an offering of God.
Oh!! that I could shoot those deer...
I love venison.
but, alas...
We live in city limits and shooting those pests is against the law.
kelly - we lost about thirty tomato plants to a cucumber virus - we have ONE PRODUCING PLANT left!
thankfully, our neighbors have plenty - i've just been trading them for homecanned goods.
as for the zoo-ki-neye - i hear you - it's not that hard to get one weighing four or five pounds.
we have now picked about 4 gallon-sized zip bags full of green beans, an entire row of carrots and cut a few chard. We have pumpkins, zucchini and spaghetti squash growing at one end with the tomato plants (not tomatoes yet), corn and beans at the other. Unfortunately, the deer like the lettace...grrrrr
If John stops by, tell him I was lying for the troll...
do you have a good applesauce recipe - chunky with cinnamon? i'd like to do a case or two of quart jars as the arkansas black apples are out. i figure if i do the chunky type we'll be able to make apple crisp or pies this winter.
Nanc, I don't have a recipe for chunky applesauce, although that does sound good. If I find one I will post it, though.
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